How to Build Your Brand Personality at Work

How to Build Your Brand Personality at Work

The idea of the quiet leader is one that appeals to everyone. This is someone who does the work that needs to be done without feeling the need to self-promoter. One thing that is especially important to consider though is that in a company if you do not talk about your accomplishments, no one else will either. 

The main reason for this is that the accomplishments will not count too much if there is no one who knows about them and what you are trying to do. When you hear this, it might be difficult to know what to think. You may have thought that your work would always speak for itself, but this is not the case.

You must be willing at some point to toot your own horn. If you have spent any time in the office, one thing that will become painfully clear very quickly is that you need to make sure that you are aware of the need for your own PR. If you are not willing to highlight the work that you are doing it will be forgotten.

You might have thought that only celebrities required branding of any kind, but this is not the case. You need to be selling yourself as well as your company. Brands are something that will help you to differentiate yourself from other employees and to show your drive as well as your need for expansion.

That is a way for you in which you can show how you should be promoted as well over others and present another way to consider your own value. Personal branding is the way that you are constantly showing your value as well as showing others who you are in your career and in your personal life. Here is how you can ensure that those in your company know your brand and your work ethics.

“Brand is the sum total of how someone perceives a particular organization. Branding is about shaping that perception.”
Ashley Friedlein

Always Take on Relevant Opportunities​

In the day to day, it can get very redundant, and you can get sidelined into a role if you do not take the initiative to ensure that you get time to really look at what you want to do. If you are just learning the basic role and are not excelling, you are going to only be known as the role that you were hired to do. 

Specialization as well as all the accolades that come with it mean that it is important to branch out and learn to do much more than just the role for which you were hired. If you are wanting to take your career in one direction or the other, you need to think about where you will be in a few years and where you want to be. 

That means that you need to take on roles and projects which are going to help you to expand your brand and to reach your goal. That will help you to show your new brand.

Speak at Conferences​

Speaking at a conference may seem like something that can only be done by extroverts, but it is something that can really help your career. Many people may find speaking in public a little nerve wracking, but at the same time it is critical to your success as an employee. You may not be ready to speak at your company’s annual meeting, but you want to be ready at any moment to speak to the needs of the projects.

Pro Tip

The five main types of brand personalities with common traits are excitement, sincerity, ruggedness, competence, and sophistication.

When it comes time to take part in the activities, being a featured speaker can really add to your reputation and ensure that you are going to really increase your credibility with the entire team across the board. When you are seen stepping onto the stage, people are going to see you as an authority. What that means is that you are going to have instant credibility when it comes to learning how to speak internally and externally to your entire team.

Ensure You Always Ask At Least One Question Per Meeting​

When attending a meeting, it may have been your policy to only say something if you had something to say that was unique. Sometimes though you also will see that there are many people who are just working to have airtime. 

One thing that is important to note is that when you are not speaking on a regular basis no one will notice you. You do not want to have any kind of reputation of being the quiet one. Never talk for the sake of talking but find a way to ensure that you can be a part of all the staff meetings and all the conferences that you can be a part of. 

Action Item

Apply your branding across your business.

That means that you are going to want to do what you can to ensure that you are always sharing your name, your company, and your title. This is some of the best branding that you will ever get.

Always Build Your Circle Outside of Your Immediate Team​

Even if you pride yourself on being an industrious worker, you should be aware that it is not enough for people to know you are there. It is critical that you can get others to notice you and to know what your work ethics are, so it is possible to be able to have a clear reputation and spend a little more time with your colleagues at the water cooler.

It is important to make sure you take the time to get to know everyone around you and that means that you should always have lunches with them and get to have coffee as often as possible.

Creating your brand at work is critical to your success and that means you should always be looking for ways to enhance your image and ensure that you are creating a brand that is trustworthy as well as well reviewed. Taking the time to set yourself apart is the secret to the success or the failure of your brand.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Helen Keller

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How to Make a Personal Branding Video

How to Make a Personal Branding Video

Your brand is the face of your company, and it needs to be professional. The brand is the face of your company, how your customers and how your suppliers are going to see you in the marketplace. You will see that having great branding is critical to your marketing strategy and to the way that your company is perceived. 

In the new and digital world, the face of your business is a part of many of the different components that are out there. If you have a company that is brick and mortar, you have a storefront. However, there is also a website that you need to manage as well.

While there are many businesses out there, one of the most underutilized pieces of them is the branding video. When it comes to the branding video, it is particularly important and video marketing is the way of the future. When it comes to video marketing, this is the thing that is going to make your company stick out and ensure that you can be seen apart from the crowd out there on social media. 

Since you see how important this is now, you may feel a little overwhelmed. However, you are going to learn here how to make a branded video and how to ensure that the content that you are creating will be of value to your audience.

“Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual re-invention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful.”
Richard Branson

What is a Branded Video Anyway?

This is an especially important thing for you to know because there are all kinds of videos out there. You need to know what category your video is going to fall under. The reason for that is that it is going to help you to ensure that you can really know the purpose behind the video.

A key to ensure that you can be successful in your branding attempt is that you need to have a video that is going to highlight your brand. You are not pushing a specific product or service; you are instead ensuring that your company is what you are advertising. You cannot have a poorly edited video and that means that you need to ensure that you are able to share a great statement about who you are and what you do.

A brand video should tell your origin story, it should be something that will resonate with people and make them see your brand. When you are looking for a format, you want to consider and animated video because it will appeal to many different audiences this way.

What is Branding Anyway?

Branding is particularly important to your success. It is so much more than a logo and an idea of what you are doing. Your logo, your business name, your colors, and your slogan are not your brand. 

Your brand is your customer’s perception of you. You need to think of a brand as if it is a person, you will see that the brand is interacting with people daily. You need to think about the way that it adds its own value and the personality that it represents.

Pro Tip

A good branding video contains visual elements that clue viewers into what the video is about and why they should watch it first.

All your interactions, like your customer service, the social media, you are marketing and everything else are what leave people with an impression of your brand. When you are looking at a business, you will see that there are many things you need to think about in terms of the content you put out there.

The goal of all your marketing should be to make certain that people know you and your brand. That means you need to think about how branded videos will come into play.

Why Should You Brand Your Videos?

According to Inc, over 46% of people will make a purchase after they watch a branded video. Those that do not make a purchase will consider it. The reason for this is that when you are creating branded videos, you are creating branded content.

When it comes to studies, many have shown that there is an increase in conversions by about 80% when there is a branded video on a webpage. 

How Do You brand Yourself?

When it comes to the basics, you need to know what kind of brand you are working on the goals of each one is quite different.

Action Item

Create videos the easy way, before investing in large productions.

What is Business Branding?

This is the kind of branding that you encounter when you are dealing with businesses. There are so many brands out there that have created a huge place for themselves in the market by ensuring that they have a very professional image.

What is Personal Branding?

Although you are not aware of it, you have a personal brand. Because of social media, we are building our brands with every post that is added. There are many things that you need to do to differentiate yourself from others. 

To really become well known, you must show how you are different and the way that your brand makes you stand out. Your brand is your public image, which is always something that needs to be considered as you are working towards establishing yourself.

“Focus on identifying your target audience, communicating an authentic message that they want and need and project yourself as an “expert” within your niche.”
Kim Garst

What is Professional Branding?

Professional branding is the same thing as personal in the fact that it represents many of the same ideas. But it is how you are going to show yourself to a potential employer. 

What Can Be Done to Stand Out?

To stand out as a brand, it is important to do the following.

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Can a Person Be a Brand?

Can a Person Be a Brand?

Anyone can be a brand, and that can happen without any letterhead to back this up. You do not need to be a celebrity either to be a brand or to feel like one. One person can market themselves and that will be key to defining an image.

But a key to this is also living up to the image that you are creating, which means that you need to be on top of your game all the time. That image becomes especially important to both your investors and your clients. When you think about yourself, you also need to make sure that you are a part of the image that you are always wanting to portray.

Can a Person Be a Brand?

If you are not employed yet either, you should know that what you are putting out there is also going to affect your career. The main reason of this is that you need to be aware that your posts and such are what you bring to the table. 

You will see that a potential employer will look at the content that you are sharing on places like social media, that content is often used to judge the potential success you will have in a role as well. 

“People relate to people, and if your brand feels like people, they’ll relate to you, too.”
Laura Busche

When you are defining your brand, you need to be clear about who and what you are. You need to ensure that you can always have your best foot forward. That means that you never want to broadcast any of your personal life or any issues you are going through to the world. Although it may seem impossible at times, you also do not want to look too perfect. 

You need to find a way to show you are relaxed and that you are always following your instincts. Being a go getter is the key to success here.

Pro Tip

Your personal brand should highlight your strengths, establish a reputation, build trust, and communicate the unique attributes that you bring to your current (or desired) industry.

When you think about it and consider things, every person is a brand. You may work for a large company, and you need to represent them in a way that is going to be favorable. 

In addition to that, it is important to make sure that you have content that reflects what you are doing in your business and in your endeavors on a regular basis. The way that you are presenting yourself tot the world as well as the way that you are working on your current state will be important for the way that people are thinking of you.

Understanding You as The Brand

When it comes to personal branding, it is critical for every profession as well as for your reputation. That means that you can really grab the attention of customers, clients, and employees by really marketing yourself as different. You need a personal brand statement; this gets the attention of anyone you want to do business with and make sure that people know who you are. 

When you have a famous brand statement, you will be able to communicate your expertise as well as also make other people want to learn more about you. When you are connecting with others, they will continue to know what is important about you.

Where Can You Use Your Personal Brand Statement?

You can use your statement as an addition on your social media platforms. You can also add it to your resume as it is a wonderful way to ensure that you are able to show your statement near your name.

If you have an online portfolio, this is also a wonderful place to make sure that you are always going to get the attention of your audience.

How You Can Craft a Great Personal Statement

When you are writing out your own personal statement, you need to ensure that you are working on these steps. 

Pro Tip

Cultivated well, your personal brand will signal to employers whether or not you’ll be the right fit for an open role.

Protecting your personal brand is critical to ensuring that you can have success in all your endeavors. As much as your reputation is critical to your success, so is your brand. Just like you it should also be always evolving and ensuring that you have shown your experience as well as your areas of growth. 

One of the keys to your success as well as always in the fact that you never are bombastic about your skills. Always remaining approachable as well as open to your audience is a wonderful way to know that you will grow as a person and that your brand will grow.

Action Item

Write what you do well and what you feel passionate about.

Your brand statement is a statement of your truth, you are also a brand in and of yourself. Be prepared to stay on top of your image and your brand and the rest of your customers, clients, and followers will take care of themselves. A brand is something that must be protected and that will always be gold.

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