8 Key Points for Perfect Presentation Practice

8 Key Points for Perfect Presentation Practice

Does practice make perfect when it comes to giving presentations? Simply put, no.

The permanence of practice.

Not just practicing, but practicing perfectly, should be your aim. Whether something is right or bad, the more you do it, the more natural it feels. Therefore, when we rehearse our presentations, we must do it correctly. 

Understanding a subject does not ensure success. What matters is your ability to clearly communicate your point and engage your audience, and excellent preparation can help you do this.

Practice Has Helped Me...

A recent sales presentation about the potential of BRODY Professional Development that I was requested to give serves as a personal illustration of how effective perfect practice is. I gave my presentation to one of my account managers after arranging it. She made a few recommendations, one of which was that I begin with a tale.

Pro Tip

Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message.

I practiced my presentation with one of our facilitators who attended the meeting after I modified it. She collaborated with me to make the presentation more dynamic and sensitive to the client’s particular demands. We also practiced how she may lead some of the conversation. 

In addition to practicing our timing, we also practiced segues between the two of us to make sure they were seamless. Even our seating arrangements in the room were discussed to maximize audience participation. We practiced it three more times in the car on the way to the customer site in New York.

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
Thomas Edison

The good news is that we achieved results (we closed the transaction) when we came because we were prepared, had anticipated their queries, and the time was perfect.

Practice Will Help You, too.

Presenting on the spot rarely yields the desired outcomes. Here is the strategy that, dare I say it, always produces positive results for me.

I’m going to assume that you have prepared:

Action Item

Ensure to Practice your presentation ahead of time.

Although visualizing is helpful, speaking aloud exercises should still be done. Too often, practice is postponed until just before a presentation, by which time it is already too late. The purpose of practice sessions is to make presenters completely at ease with the material, the slides, and the timing so they can focus on engaging the audience during the actual presentation.

8 Recommendations for Effective Presentations

While visualizing is helpful, speaking aloud is still necessary.

Here are my top eight suggestions for flawless practice:

Is this something I would want to sit through? is an excellent question to ask. What must you do to alter the presentation if the response is “No”?

The executive I mentor, who works for a sizable pharmaceutical company, had a big “town hall” meeting coming up to introduce new company policies. He anticipated that the audience would be tense and possibly hostile. His presentation’s outline was heavily data-driven when we first discussed it. 

He was in no way connecting with the feelings that people were experiencing. He started to practice and “own” the material once we changed the presentation’s structure. 

He claimed that this repetition made him feel at ease during the meeting and completely in the moment, which allowed him to connect with the audience on an emotional and psychological level. He now demands that all his direct reports follow the eight practice standards I advised him to follow.

“If something is important enough, even if the odds are stacked against you, you should still do it.”
Elon Musk

I don’t think practice is enjoyable. But there isn’t a replacement for it.

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How to Dress for Public Speaking

How to Dress for Public Speaking

Sweater or a suit? Dress or pants? Does your appearance affect how well you speak? How, if so? In this post, we look at appropriate and inappropriate attire for public speakers.

Dress to the standards of your audience

Different speaking circumstances call for different dress codes, but as a rule, you are quite safe if you are neat, clean, and dressed in the same way as your audience. Why? The third pillar of persuasion is ethos, which refers to your credibility. You accentuate your resemblance to your audience to develop ethos.

Dressing similarly to them is a useful technique to accomplish this. How can you determine what your audience will wear, then? Analyze your target audience! 

Consider the attire that attendees wore the last time if the location is a recurring conference or setting. Ask the event organizer what the typical dress code is if you are giving a presentation at a location that is unfamiliar to you. Follow the dress code if it is strict!

Pro Tip

Don’t Try to Be Hip if You’re Not.

This does not require you to dress in the same suit or outfit as the rest of your audience. There is a lot of room for interpretation. The key is to avoid either significantly under or significantly over-dressed. But I have heard I should present myself more formally than my audience? 

“It’s important that you appear respectful and professional. They should not notice what you are wearing once you start speaking, though.

According to conventional thinking, you should dress one notch higher than your audience. Why up it a notch?

“You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.”
Edith Head

None of those are especially compelling justifications for dressing above your target audience. I believe the recommendation to “dress one notch higher” is given to provide you with some insurance if your audience analysis was inaccurate. If the crowd is dressed finer than you anticipated, and you dress one notch higher than your estimated audience dress code, you will still be protected.

Of course, you can arrive overdressed if your estimate is off in the other direction. In either case, I would not worry too much. The most important thing is to appear respectful and professional. They should not notice what you are wearing once you begin speaking, though.

Public Speaking Dress Codes

What would be the opposite of dressing at (or just above) the same level as your audience, if it is a reasonable rule of thumb? The worst thing you can do is dress in a way that draws attention to you—but in the wrong way.

Cyndi Maxey issues the following advice in Speak Up! A Woman’s Guide to Presenting Like a Pro:

Action Item

Make Sure to Always dress as well or slightly better than the audience.

T-shirts featuring slogans are another common no-no, especially if the slogan can offend someone in your audience. Once more, you want people to focus on the words you say rather than the ones on your shirt.

Exception: This can be acceptable if the shirt’s message ties into your presentation. For instance, wearing a “I’m a survivor” t-shirt while speaking to raise money for cancer research may not only be suitable, but also help to establish your credibility. 

As previously advised, make sure you arrive neat and organized. If you do not, it could be taken as disrespect for your viewers.

Prepare for Clothing Mishaps and Failures

Nobody wants to have a wardrobe malfunction. Several measures to prevent these unfavorable occurrences include:

“Decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live.”
Gianni Versace

Just go with it. If you can, fix it quietly (e.g., an undone button, or an unzipped zipper). You may occasionally be the last one to observe in the space. Simply shrug it off and return to giving your audience value.

When is Going Against the Grain Acceptable?

It may be appropriate for you to disregard all conventional wisdom and draw attention with your wardrobe in some (rare) circumstances. You may consider wearing in (partial) costume that is connected to your theme, as Kristin Arnold advises in Boring to Bravo (the Six Minutes book review). The concept is that a piece of your clothing, or even an item, is used on purpose as a prop.

If you decide to do it, I advise doing it at the beginning of your presentation. You will be dressed “normally” once more by the time you are delivering the impactful messages, allowing the audience to take you seriously.

Additional Speaker Attire Considerations

Beyond how you appear while you are in front of the room, what you are wearing might have an effect. Avoid wearing or accessorizing loudly. If your shirt, jeans, or jewelry constantly draw attention away from your audience, that is not good. 

Comfort is also crucial. Wearing excessively uncomfortable clothing or shoes might have a detrimental impact on your energy level and delivery. This is crucial whether you are giving a lengthy keynote or a multi-day course. There is a gray area between respectable attire and pajamas.

“Anyone can get dressed up and glamorous, but it is how people dress in their days off that are the most intriguing.”
Alexander Wang

Will you have a microphone on you? If so, think about the location of the pin. What movements, gestures, or objects are you planning to use? 

How well do they match your outfit? Remove any potentially distracting objects before you are called upon to speak (e.g., ID badges, cell phones, sunglasses, hats)

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How to Practice for a Perfect Presentation

How to Practice for a Perfect Presentation

Does practice make perfect when it comes to giving presentations? No, it does not! The permanence of practice. Not just practicing, but practicing perfectly should be your aim. Whether something is right or bad, the more you do it, the more natural it feels.

Therefore, when we rehearse our presentations, we must do it correctly. Understanding a subject does not ensure success. What matters is your ability to clearly communicate your point and engage your audience, and excellent preparation can help you do this.

Practice Will Help You, too.

Presenting on the spot rarely yields the desired outcomes. Here is the strategy that, dare I say it, always produces positive results for me.

Pro Tip

Be aware of design techniques and trends.

I am going to assume that you have prepared:

Action Item

Ensure to practice your speech from written notes.

Although visualizing is helpful, speaking-aloud exercises should still be done. Too often, practice is postponed until just before a presentation, by which time it is already too late. The purpose of practice sessions is to make presenters completely at ease with the material, the slides, and the timing so they can focus on engaging the audience during the actual presentation.

8 Recommendations for Effective Presentations

Here are my top eight suggestions for flawless practice:

“The lavish presentation appeals to me, and I've got to convince the others.”
Freddie Mercury

Is this something I would want to sit through? is an excellent question to ask. What must you do to alter the presentation if the response is “No”?

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Breathing: The Seductive Key to Unlocking Your Vocal Variety

Breathing: The Seductive Key to Unlocking Your Vocal Variety

All people breathe. It is one of our most instinctual behaviors. However, if you poll singers, 90% of them will respond that breathing is the most crucial aspect of vocal technique. Is there a particular method to breathe that improves your voice? Yes!

We examine breathing in relation to vocal variation as a speaker in this essay. I will give you some simple instructions and advice on how to use air more effectively to enhance your voice. Applying these suggestions will give your speech greater Power, Better Pacing, Interesting Pitch, and Effective Pauses.

The narrator of the short story “Loss of Breath” by Edgar Allen Poe passes out just as he is going to yell at his wife. His voice likewise stops along with his breath, except for a few frog-like sounds. He is shocked by this and struggles to disguise his illness while wallowing in agony and philosophy. 

Pro Tip

Give the audience time to take it in.

When he eventually gets his breath, he also finds his voice. (Have I mentioned that it was taken? Since this is Poe, of course! The horrific nature of the story serves to emphasize the idea that losing your voice is equivalent to losing your breath. And berating your wife is never a clever idea.

A description of breathing

So how does one breathe to speak and sing more clearly? Watch a newborn breathe, then. Though she appears to breathe from her stomach, she is using her abdominal muscles, as you can see. Breathing 101 is so simple that even a baby can do it. Here is how to accomplish it.

101 Breathing

Try the following instructions after attentively reading them aloud. (You may hear an audio version of these instructions by clicking here.)

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”
Amit Ray

The most important thing to keep in mind is that your breathing should be slow and deep. If you perform the exercise properly, your chest will remain out and expand as your stomach moves in. There are numerous advantages to using this strategy, including:

Action Item

Take a few steps and start with a new burst of energy.

You will be able to breathe more efficiently if you are aware of your breathing.

An air of strength and confidence is created by good breathing posture. You feel stronger and more confident when you breathe deeply. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, you may utilize your voluntary nerves to make your breathing slow, deep, quiet, and regular, and the rest will take care of itself.

Deep breathing eases stress and aids in maintaining mental clarity. Charles Kirk explains how using the right breathing methods helps him stay composed on the trading floor.

Variety in Breathing and Singing

You were told to “use your voice to match your message” in a previous Six Minute post. This is what I mean when I talk about your “vocal image”—how other people hear you.

In a perfect world, your topic would match your delivery style, and both would complement your voice. Vocal variety is all about the voice’s sound, and in this case, your voice’s tempo, pitch, pause, and power all contribute to the creation of your vocal image.


Your delivery speed is referred to as pace. In general, you are advised to change your pace by moving quickly and slowly depending on the message you are presenting to add diversity to your voice. However, some individuals have difficulty pacing because of inadequate breathing. If you speak excessively rapidly, laboriously, or slowly, think about the following.

When suitable for the message you are giving, vary your pace by going faster and slower.

You could not be using all the air you inhale if your voice sounds constricted, strained, or excessively low.

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Speaking too low can harm your voice, as Lisa Braithwaite correctly points out.

Poe’s text also teaches us that it is possible to make sounds without breathing. I learned that if I had dropped to a deep guttural voice during that exciting crisis, I might have been able to continue. I have discovered that the guttural voice pitch depends on the spasmodic action of the throat muscles rather than the breath current.

It should be easy to breathe in your voice if you do not want to be restricted to a guttural growl. By first practicing a breathy sound and then progressively adding increasingly vocal sound to it, you can improve a strained voice. 

The voice is “energized” in my terminology. Because the voice is free to move and produce more pitches, it also has the effect of making pitch diversity much easier to obtain. You will notice the freedom in your voice if you do this correctly.


“Breathing awareness creates natural pauses.”

Pauses are the golden moments in speech when you can let your listeners process what you are saying. They are the “beats” an actor uses in between his or her words; they are that unique element that contributes to “comedic timing.” Pauses are crucial because they allow us to catch our breath.

How to employ breathing throughout your pauses is as follows:

You need air to produce a loud sound since sound travels on air. Even if you speak loudly, you will be shouting if you do not include the air in your sound. You never know how your actions will affect other people! Additionally, maintaining air movement with the sound allows for superb voice control, enhancing the effectiveness of all vocal variation approaches.

A confident speaker is one who is at ease and at ease with themselves. A strong voice is at ease and at ease. Deep breathing helps to relax the larynx, which allows the voice to develop a pleasant, natural tone as opposed to one that is artificial or forced.

Practical Tips for Everyday Life

You should try to practice proper breathing technique numerous times each day so that it becomes second nature while you talk. Here are some pointers for improving your breathing:

“Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life.”
Giovanni Papini

Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. So, practice and it will not be long before you are able to make your learned breathing as natural as the breathing you are using now, and the benefits will be enormous.

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Being Average as A Speaker Sucks! Do Not Be Average!

Being Average as A Speaker Sucks! Do Not Be Average!

You are terrible if you are an average speaker. All your coworkers with mediocre presentation abilities do the same. See why this is the case.

The Cookie Police and Cookies

Consider that you are making cookies. You scoop some dough with your fingers, form it into a ball, and place it on the cookie sheet after thoroughly combining it. You can fill an entire oven with cookies by repeating this process fifty times. If you do these five hundred times, you will have enough cookies to fill a freezer or enough for a bake sale.

Imagine that the Homemade Cookie Police were looking into you. They gently lift each cookie after you place it on the baking sheet and weigh it. They note the weight for every one of the five hundred cookies. When they are done, they make a chart (for their PowerPoint presentation back at Headquarters).

Pro Tip

Do things no one else is willing to do.

With or without a few tenths of a gram, many of the cookies would weigh very the average amount.

Cookies in modest quantities would either be extremely small or extremely enormous.

Many of the cookies would be great, while the exceedingly small ones would burn in the oven and the very huge ones might be uncooked.

The Bell Curve and Humans

The cookie weight/frequency chart’s results surprised no one, so why? since you are a human!

The chart’s shape, which resembles the Bell Curve, could be familiar to you. (You may be familiar with it by another name, such as a normal distribution.) The most exciting aspect of it, though, may be that if you take any variable into account in a big population, the histogram (the chart of values versus the count) tends to follow the Bell Curve.

Because you are not a robot, the weight in the case of cookies is a variable.

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”
Alexander Graham Bell

Take adult heights yet another illustration. Men in North America are typically 69 12 inches tall. (The average female North American is 64 12 Professional golfers are extremely skilled, yet there are few of them.

Some individuals hardly ever hit it (they are too frail or just too clumsy to swing a club). These people are also scarce in number.

Most of us fall somewhere in the middle. We hardly have the skill to keep from hurting ourselves.

We would like to be able to hit the ball at a professional level when it comes to golf, but it is acceptable to be ordinary. Being mediocre is OK for golf; being average is mediocre. Given that most of us have never taken golf lessons, it makes sense. Your proficiency with a golf club is only occasionally (or never) employed, and your career performance is not influenced by it.

Action Item

Ensure to Take your speaking ability to the next level.

Speaking in public and the Bell Curve

Though measuring presentation skills is more difficult, imagine for a second that you could. (The maximum amount of time you can talk without making anybody bored. The percentage of listeners who are inspired to act by your call to action.

On the high end, you have Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, and Winston Churchill.

Hermits and those who are completely incapable of communication make up the lower end.

The bulk of those in the center have mediocre presentation skills. Is this decent? Or is this bad? Male adults typically measure between 69 and 69 1/2 inches in height, sometimes slightly more or less.

Naturally, there are some extremely tall persons as well as extremely small people. But comparatively speaking, there are not as many of them.

Being average in height is preferable. It is preferred. All things are made for you, including vehicles, clothes, and airplane seats. Extreme shortness or extreme height might result in physical challenges throughout life.

Consider golf as another example and let us look at how well players can hit the golf ball.

You can be a terrible speaker and still be an average one, statistically speaking. All your coworkers are. This is the PowerPoint Death Pit. The zone for filler words is fifteen per minute. What is this speaker talking about? territory.

Presentation abilities require practice.

Chocolate chips will not make up for your ordinary speaking ability. Your audience sits through a lifetime of meetings, wishing they were someplace else as they listen to mediocre presenters.

Presentation abilities differ from height.

The world is not set up for mediocre speakers to do well. If your ability to communicate your thoughts is ordinary, people will not come to your defense.

Like golf, presentation skills are not a sport.

Being mediocre is not acceptable. Your communication abilities are crucial!

“Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.”
Dale Carnegie

You Can't Be Average If You Want to Speak Well

Why are most speakers so awful? Like golf, most people worldwide never attend any formal communications instruction or pursue any informal training. 

Everybody pays the price. Consider the last fifty presentations you saw. How many captivated your attention throughout? Ten? Five? not more than five?

The small percentage of people who work hard to develop their skills—like you, if you are reading this—has a significant edge. Your communication abilities will improve if they are not already. Additionally, having exceptional communication skills will benefit you in life. 

Your views are heard and understood. You are a natural at interviews. People view you as a leader. The good news is that, with commitment, effort, and time, anyone can develop their skills. Check out Six Minutes. 

Read additional blogs about speaking. Consult books about communication. Attend a Toastmasters meeting. Whenever you can, offer to talk. Practice. Practice. Practice.

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